Working Together to Co-create Thriving Ecosystems

Morphum Environmental | Environmental Consultants

Morphum Environmental is a leading New Zealand based environmental engineering, environmental science, land development and sustainability consultancy.

Contact Stuart Joyce - 021 676 416


Located at Panama Cottage, 65 Victoria Street

Longtime Panama Resident, Stuart Joyce, explains the great work Morphum does alongside kiwi businesses to better our environment.

At Morphum Environmental we have been doing business sustainably for over 20 years. As an environmental engineering and science consultancy our vision is to co-create thriving ecosystems. To realise this, we have embedded sustainability principles and thinking in the wide range of services we offer, including stormwater engineering; ecology; asset management; geospatial solutions; and sustainability. We see businesses as powerful actors for positive change in society and love sharing our sustainability expertise to support a variety of organisations, from government bodies and NGO´s, to sole-traders and private companies to work sustainably.

But what is sustainability in business? How do you do it? Where do you even start?

Morphum has lived these questions since our inception 23 years ago, revisiting our approach through our sustainability reporting process and adapting business practices as and when new innovations became available and affordable e.g., hybrid and electric vehicles. We understand that sustainability is an ongoing learning journey and there will not come a point where there is nothing new to learn. Sustainability is influenced by changes in business drivers, including policy and legal framework; environmental change; market and supply chains; along with advancements in technology and infrastructure. It is smart and essential business practice!

The long-term benefit of sustainable business outweighs the sometimes initial short term financial costs. These benefits are far broader than economic and environmental, extending to social and cultural wellbeing of an organisations' people, and to society more broadly within a company’s sphere of influence. 

In recent years, the overwhelming topic of climate change and the current consumerist structures we work in seem to have frozen many businesses in their tracks. Despite the well-meaning intentions they have to improve their sustainability performance, systemic challenges such as untransparent supply chains, scarcity of raw materials, and unreliable recycling practices can make this seem an impossible task. No matter the organisation size or industry, most are aware of the need to leave behind ¨business as usual¨ practices and transition to a sustainable approach. However, we find the disparity around where to start is often holding our clients back.

To help start this journey and get a clear picture of where a business is, we designed a Simple Assessment process to identify gaps and quick wins in current sustainability processes. Our team provides clients with simple, easy, and inspiring support to guide them, whether it be: 

  • Establishing a policy and strategy that confirms your commitments and objectives.  

  • Developing a sustainability action plan to give effect to that commitment. 

  • Sustainability reporting to track and reflect on progress towards objectives and targets as part of continuous improvements.

  • Institutionalising sustainability which is a collective responsibility across the organisation and value chain through ongoing support and or training.

If you don’t know where to begin or you are feeling overwhelmed with sustainability in your business, then we would love to hear from you. Please email your enquiry to Dave at – helping you to have a more positive impact is what we are here for!


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