Feathers Planning

Feathers Planning | Resource Consent Specialists

Feathers Planning is a niche planning business with a reputation as adaptable, innovative, pragmatic problem solvers who manage all elements of the resource consent process for those involved and invested in seeing their vision go from concept to reality.

Contact Louise Feathers - 022 444 4082

WEBSITE www.feathers.co.nz
FACEBOOK @feathersplanning
LINKEDIN @LouiseFeathers
INSTAGRAM @feathersplanning

Located at Panama Square, 14 Garden Place (West Lobby, Level 1)

Feathers Planning is a niche planning business with a focus on efficiently and successfully taking you through any resource management process. The team of three is located on level one at Panama Square West.

Louise answers a couple of questions for us:

How long have you been in business/ worked for this company?
I set up business nine years ago.

How many people in your team? 
We are boutiquey – Jodi, Charlotte and me. We have a student at the mo, getting some experience and also a sub-consultant in Australia who is pretty much a full time team member. Currently on the lookout for another fabulous planner to join our team!

In one sentence, tell us what you do. 
We acquire resource consents for any project, in any location, from any council.

How did you end up doing what you’re doing? 
I went to uni thinking I was going to learn to design towns and parks and streets…but ended up working for a surveying firm after my OE, obtaining resource consents for subdivisions. I got REALLY good at writing supportive applications and reports (practice, practice, practice) and while working there, I decided one day wanted to be just like my boss, Rod Keucke. That’s a better story than being stubborn, working long hours and a bit of good luck aye!

Favourite co-working perk?
Popping up to the common space last Thursday to spy caramel choc slice… (I took two pieces, sorry!)

What is your favourite kind or work/ project?
Urban design, city revitalisation and ‘out of the box’ ones which really require you to think laterally.

Favourite place to holiday?

What was your first job?
Helping my dad milk cows and feeding out. I think that’s why I now want a ute!!

If you had to change industry, what job would you choose?
Do I have to choose only one? Either interior designer, urban designer or florist!

Any recommended reads? 
I’m more of a crossword person than a reader, but my all time fav is ‘The Art of Racing in the Rain’ by Garth Stein. 

What do you love most about Hamilton? 
This can be good and bad…but the two degrees of separation. It’s big enough to go incognito when you want, but it’s also small enough that there’s always random connections being made with people (i.e. there’s something or someone that a stranger and you have in common once you get talking).

Where do you go for Saturday brunch?  
The River Kitchen for scrambs. THE best in town.

Do you have any hidden talents? 
I had (past tense) talents. That’s what happens when you spend your life at work! I’m reviving a few of those old talents, see if I can re-live my youth. So watch this space. 

Are you a morning person or a night owl? 
Absolutely a morning person. Bred into me by being dairy farmer’s daughter.

Someone who inspires you? 
Lots of people inspire me, for different reasons. Any person starting a business from scratch, any single parent, any slender baker (yes, it is possible!), the random child who came up to me today and gave me a cuddle…I could go on.


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