Aspect Furniture

Aspect Furniture | Creating inspiring workplaces that promote productivity, creativity and innovation.

Aspect Furniture specialises in designing and crafting exceptional office furniture that combines modern aesthetics with ergonomic functionality. They believe that high preforming spaces enable high performing people. With 40 years’ experience designing and manufacturing collections for the modern workplace, our office furniture has a reputation for being robust, ergonomic and comfortable throughout the working day.

Contact: Trish Stockman - 0223801122

LINKEDIN @aspectfurniture

Located at Panama Square, 14 Garden Place.

Aspect Furniture joined us here at Panama Square in July 2024. They have an open-door policy and are happy to welcome you into their space to discuss how they can help make a difference in your office. They believe that for a space where people come every day, every minor detail can make a major difference.

Trish answers a few questions for us.

How many people in your team?
Two of us work from the Hamilton studio which is branch off the Auckland office.

In one sentence, tell us what you do.
I consult with specifiers and end users to provide the best furniture solutions to suit a space and budget.

How did you end up doing what you’re doing?
Over 20 years ago I was in a stationery sales role and had the opportunity to move to office furniture sales. I haven’t looked back and have been lucky enough to have had some great opportunities along the way to grow and learn.

How long have you been a Panama resident?
One month.

Favourite co-working perk?
Meeting interesting people and having a great working space.

What is your favourite kind of work/project?
Revamping of an office space, the before and after can look amazing.

Favourite place to holiday?
We love a lake or mountain area, somewhere we can kayak, mountain bike, and hike.

What was your first job?
Working at a supermarket while studying.

If you had to change industry, what job would you choose?
I'm not sure—something that still has me meeting people and not being office-bound. I once started studying to be an accountant!

Biggest life lesson so far?
Life’s too short; do what makes you happy.

Any recommended reads?
I need to read more; currently, I only read wilderness magazines.

What do you love most about Hamilton?
I love Hamilton’s location; it has always been home.

Favourite place to eat out in Hamilton?
We are creatures of habit and usually have an easy curry at Friends of India most Fridays, bringing our own wine. Otherwise, I love Gothenburg.

Do you have any hidden talents or secret hobbies?
I am too busy for a hobby, but I love adventure racing and am currently training for a marathon.

Are you a morning person or a night owl?

What are you passionate about?
Moving, weight bearing and strength exercise, if you don’t move it you loose it! 

If you had to move anywhere in the world where would it be and why?
We're here to help you create inspiring workplaces that promote productivity, creativity, and innovation.

Who is your favourite music artist?
Ed Sheeran still.

Who is your hero?
Nathan Fa’avae an amazing athlete.


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